Coffee Machine Decoder: The A To Z Of Barista Lingo

February 23, 202 - 4 min read

Do you know your affogato from your macchiato? How about the difference between an automatic, manual and capsule coffee machine? Relax! We’ve got your back and your beans with this simple explainer. It’s brimming with all the coffee-related terms you need to know before buying a coffee machine and bantering like a barista.

“Knowing your coffee basics and how you like your brew is the first step to finding the perfect coffee machine to suit your home and habits,” says Tracey Ellis, The Good Guys Buyer – Portable Appliances.

“Once you’re ready to make your caffeine dreams a reality, head in-store and let the coffee experts at The Good Guys help you with the best advice and price.”

Ready to get started? Pour yourself a cuppa and get ready to take notes…

Young woman prepares fresh aromatic coffee with modern coffee machine in kitchen.

Types Of Coffee Machines

Get to know the purveyors of barista-worthy brews at home. Here’s the lowdown on the most popular coffee machines.

“Knowing your coffee basics and how you like your brew is the first step to finding the perfect coffee machine to suit your home and habits.”

Automatic Coffee Machine

A hassle-free machine that grinds and extracts your caffeine fix at the press of a button. Just add coffee beans!

Drip Filter Coffee Machine

In this machine, hot water is poured over coffee grounds that sit in a filter. The coffee is then filtered into a glass jug for pouring.

Espresso Machine

Designed for making traditional Italian espresso, this machine uses high pressure to force water through coffee to create a single shot.

Manual Coffee Machine

For hands-on coffee lovers who want the barista experience at home, a manual machine lets you take total control of your coffee. You can alter water temperature, pressure and grind size to your specific taste with adjustable controls.

Pod/Capsule Coffee Machine

No need for coffee beans, just pop in a coffee pod or capsule and let the machine do the rest. It punctures the pod and forces hot water over the contents to create an espresso.

Shop Our Top Coffee Machines

Nespresso Essenza Mini Solo Capsule Machine

Nespresso DeLonghi Citiz Solo Capsule Machine

Breville The Barista Pro Sea Salt

DeLonghi Magnifica Evo Fully Automatic Coffee Machine Titan

Smeg Drip Coffee Machine - Black

Close-up of a woman pushing a button on a digital panel on a coffee machine.

Coffee-Making Terms

More need-to-know lingo to help you master your brew and become a true coffee connoisseur.

Bean Hopper

Where whole beans are stored in the machine before being passed through a grinder.

Coffee Grinder

The device used to grind whole coffee beans into a coarse powder for brewing.


Also referred to as a group handle, this is the hand-held device that is filled with coffee grounds before water is pushed through to extract espresso.

Group Head

The ‘heart’ of the coffee machine, this is the part where water from the boiler is dispensed into the portafilter.

Steam Wand

A small, metal pipe that protrudes from a coffee machine to allow high-pressured steaming and frothing of milk.

Bar Pressure

The maximum pressure used to push water through coffee grounds – the higher the pressure the faster the extraction.

Pid (Proportional Integral Derivative)

Refers to a coffee machine’s ability to constantly monitor and stabilise the water temperature at a predetermined setting.


The process of removing gaps and air pockets between the coffee grounds. This creates a flat and even bed of coffee for water to flow through for an even coffee flavour.


The weight of dry ground coffee needed to make an espresso. It’s usually anywhere from 5–30 grams.


Describes the process of dissolving ground coffee with hot water.


The layer of aromatic, caramel-coloured foam formed on the surface of a shot of espresso, made from microbubbles of carbon dioxide gas.


Finely textured, light and airy milk (froth) used on top of espresso-based coffees, usually made with the steam wand on a coffee machine.

women sitting together drinking coffee in a kitchen

Types Of Coffee

Some of the best automatic coffee machines come preloaded with coffee recipes. Pick your favourite, or try them all!


A double shot of hot espresso with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


Equal parts espresso, steamed milk and milk froth, often with a dusting of chocolate on top.

Cold Brew

Produced by submerging coffee beans in cold water for an extended period of time.


A double shot of espresso with no added hot water or milk.


A single shot of coffee with no extra hot water or milk added.

Flat White

An espresso with steamed milk, similar to a latte but with less foam.

Iced Coffee

A coffee served over ice or in cold milk.


An espresso shot filled with steamed milk and a layer of milk crema.

Long Black

A double shot of espresso poured over hot water.


An espresso with a dash of milk.


A latte with added chocolate for extra sweetness.


A single shot espresso in a small latte glass filled with steamed milk.


A shot of espresso extracted with half the amount of water to give a concentrated shot.


Want more information before upgrading your coffee machine or buying for the first time? Check out our buying guide for more essential tips and see us in-store or online for the biggest brands at the best prices.

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