Quick tips for choosing an energy efficient TV

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Choosing the most energy efficient TV

Aside from new technology, energy efficiency should be a prime consideration when choosing a TV for your home, especially considering that TVs are in the top four home energy users - using 19% of overall household appliance energy.

Energy Rating
Look for the energy star rating – the stars illustrate energy efficiency.
More stars = more savings!
Look for the energy consumption numbers on television star rating labels – this tells you the expected energy use in kilowatt/hour per year so you can compare different models and choose the most energy efficient TV.
Energy Savings
TVs with an energy saving mode can lower power bills even more, and using a Standby Power Controller (or energy saving power board) reduces energy wastage and yearly power bills by up to 10%, saving you about $150.
TVs with large screen sizes use more electricity than TVs with small screens so think about energy efficiency when considering screen sizes.
LED and LCD TVs use less energy than plasmas so are more energy efficient.
Keep your TV away from direct sunlight so you don’t have to turn the screen brightness up as this uses more energy.