Sit back, relax, and let the cleaning take care of itself – that’s life with a robot vacuum. Offering ease of use and practical, hands-free action, these bots are a clever helper that give you cleaner floors and loads of smart features.

Why You Need A Robot Vacuum

Saves Time

Saves Time

Let the robot vacuum do the work for you while you focus on the things you love – it will even clean while you’re out and about.

Smart Tech

Smart Tech

This clever cleaner not only maps out its own cleaning route and detects dust, many models allow you to clean from your phone.



Pet hair is a robot vac specialty. Schedule a daily clean and say hello to shiny surfaces.



A robot vacuum that can mop too? Believe it. Just look for a unit with a water tank and cross two jobs off the chore chart!

Let's Talk Tech

Robot vacuum cleaning a grey rug in a modern living room space.

Surface Level

Robotic vacuums can handle most types of flooring, easily sensing and cleaning various surfaces, from carpet to wooden floors.

Robot vacuum cleaning up dirt and mess on a green rug in the living room.

All About Suction

You want a vacuum that can handle any sticky situation. Most robot vacuums come with impressive suction and specially designed brushes to clean dust, crumbs, dirt – even pet hair.

Eufy robot vacuum cleaning up the crumbs around a child playing with blocks.

Convenient Cleaning

The purpose of a robot vacuum? Convenience, that’s why many of them can be programmed to clean on a regular basis.

Woman sitting on a couch using her phone with her robot vacuum cleaning the floors in front of her.

Smart Control

Most robot vacs offer a wide range of remote-control features, including smart apps you can use to control them.

Mother and daughter sitting on a couch using a laptop with their feet up whilst the robot vacuum cleans underneath them.

Breathing Space

Got allergies? Selected robot vacuums have HEPA filters, which can filter out allergens and help prevent them from invading your living space.

Showcasing that same robot vacuums vacuum and mop with a mopping pad positioned on a kitchen bench with the robot vacuum in the background.

Mop It

2-in-1 robot vacuums are designed to get all your cleaning done at once, by vacuuming and mopping at the same time.

Robot Vacuum Glossary

We’ll break down all the tech talk and acronyms
that you need to know.

Carpet Detection

A feature that allows a robot to recognize carpet or rug and increase suction.

Dirt Detection

Dirt detecting technology can be found in selected models, enabling the robot vacuum to recognize areas needing special attention. The robot will focus its cleaning efforts on these areas until the sensor detects reduced specks of dirt.


A robot vacuum’s charging station.


The ability of a robot vacuum to recharge automatically.


A robot vacuum’s ability to learn and remember the layout of a house. The robot’s understanding of a home floor plans is usually captured as some sort of graph or map.


A robot vacuum’s ability to freely roam to give full coverage in the deployed space.

Scheduled Cleaning

A function of a robot vacuum that allows you to clean as per choice or needs. Depending on the device, cleaning can be programmed on the bot itself or activated via a remote, voice assistant, or an app.

Zone or Room Cleaning

A handy way of selecting individual rooms of your home for cleaning.


A term used to describe a robot vacuum that has both the vacuuming and mopping function.

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What Real Customers Have To Say About Robot Vacuums

Ecovacs DEEBOT T9+ Robo Vac

Brad's Customer Review

"This cleaner is so easy to setup and use. We love that it glides and cleans across multiple surface types with ease. Having a product that both vacuums and mops is fantastic, we simply schedule our cleaning times then set and forget. A great product."

iRobot Roomba J7+ Robo Vac

Julie's Customer Review

"Easy to setup, mapping feature works well, sends message when job complete, empties itself which is a huge time saver, the floors are clean all week, which is great with 2 big dogs that live inside."

Eufy Robo Vac G30 Verge

John's Customer Review

"Fantastic machine connects to Wifi and is easy to program. Runs quietly and takes itself back to the charging station when the battery is dying."


Jason's Customer Review

"It's easy to set up, intuitive to use with the app, and it does an excellent job. But its not simply a robot vacuum, it does so much more. It obviously vacuums and mops, but it also creates a map of your home."

More Tips And Advice

The Vacuum For Happy Pets

The Vacuum For Happy Pets

5 reasons why the new Samsung robot vacuum is purr-fect for pet owners.

Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Sit back and relax and let the latest robot vacs and mops take care of the cleaning.

The Future Of Cleaning, Today

The Future Of Cleaning, Today

Meet the newest addition to ECOVACS robot vacuum range …

The Vacuum For Couples

The Vacuum For Couples

Perhaps it’s time to bring the romance back with a robot vac! Here's How.

Robot Vacuums FAQs

Are robot vacuums worth it?

Simply put, yes! Today’s robot vacuums offer advanced performance, boast tons of creative and genuinely helpful new features, and even have supportive mobile apps that give you even more functionality.

What to look for in a robot vacuum

The best part about shopping for a robot vacuum is looking at all the variety. Each robot vacuum offers diverse features to make cleaning your home easier. Here are some handy features to look for.

Battery Life – this is something worth considering especially if you’ve got lots of floor to cover.

App Integration - one of the best features that new robot vacuums have is compatible mobile apps, which unlock even more functionality and features. You can usually set virtual boundaries that allow you to name rooms and can even tell the vacuum a specific area to avoid.

For even more clever cleaning, certain models can connect to your smart assistant so you can tell your vacuum to clean a specific room or area with voice commands.

Filters - If you or your family have allergies, it’s important to find a robot vacuum with a HEPA filter. Combined with powerful suction, they can help filter out allergens and assist in preventing them from occupying your breathing space.

Noise Level – All robotic vacuum cleaners make a certain degree of noise but finding out the volume of various models ensures you’re not buying something that will interrupt your home’s peace.

Hot tip: Test out a robot vacuum in one our stores. Our team will be happy to go through a particular model with you!

What is the best robot vacuum?

This is dependent on your needs and budget. From affordable models that don’t sacrifice on performance to top vacuums that can do it all – our team can suggest the best bot to suit your specific needs.