We Love Heat Pump Dryers - And So Will You

March 27, 2024 – 2 min read 

Heat pump dryers are the new breakout star of the laundry and it’s easy to see why. Their super-efficient heat exchange technology makes them a total win-win for the planet, your bank balance, your clothes – even your laundry walls (thanks to the closed-loop system that reuses hot, humid air, instead of expelling it). How smart is that? Versatile enough for any space, here’s why a heat pump dryer could be the best laundry mate you’ll ever have:

1. Efficiency

Because they produce less heat, a heat pump dryer will take slightly longer to dry your garments – about 5 minutes extra on a 1kg load – but the energy-savings can be huge. Heat pump dryers use less than half the energy of conventional dryers. That’s great news for the environment and your energy bill.

2. Versatility

Heat pump dryers don’t create hot air or moisture outside the machine, so there’s no need for venting and no mouldy laundry walls either. Just pop one in under the laundry bench or stack it with a compatible front-load washing machine if space is tight. It’s a perfect solution for apartment living or those without outdoor space for drying clothes.

3. Savings

Dryers are one of the biggest energy guzzlers in the home, so investing in a heat pump dryer is a savvy move. Heat pump dryers generally have an impressive six-star energy efficiency rating. If you’re a frequent dryer user, it will noticeably shrink your energy bill and pay for itself over time. Save even more by setting a time delay to run your heat pump dryer during off peak periods, like overnight.

4. Garment Care

With a lower drying air temperature, heat pump dryers will dry clothes more evenly and with less wear and tear. This means no more crispy socks and a gentler ride for your delicates. Look out for other slick features, such as reverse tumbling to stop your clothes getting in a tangle and auto-sensing that halts the cycle when your clothes are dry, to avoid overheating.

With big wins for the planet, your wallet and your clothes, upgrading to a heat pump dryer is the smart way to level up your laundry game.

Need more information? Check out our Dryer Buying Guide to learn more about the latest dryer functions and features. Ready to go shopping? Visit us in store or online to explore our huge range of dryerswashing machines and everything you need for laundry organisation.

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