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June 19, 2023 – 5 min read
It’s 2023 and mobile phones are everywhere. They’ve become essential to staying in touch, being entertained, and educated about the world around us, and that goes for kids too. If you’re thinking this is the year to get your child a mobile phone, there are plenty of great options to choose from. The latest smartphones are the most durable models yet, with more security and parental safety options than ever.
"The latest mobile phones have the most to offer when it comes to durability and safety features, which are paramount when it comes to phones for kids,” says John Wong, The Good Guys - Mobile Buyer.
It would be better to give them the right tools to succeed, with a phone that is not vulnerable to malware they might accidentally download, or break the first time they inevitably drop it.
Most experts say that there isn’t a blanket “right age”. Every child matures at a different rate, and has different needs. “That said, most 12-year-olds have a mobile phone,” says John Wong. “Younger children might benefit more from having a feature phone (a mobile phone more like the Nokias of old) that they can only use to call or text.
Older children might miss out on some important social activities and integrating with their peers if they don’t have access to a smartphone and the apps their friends are communicating on. In the end, you know your child best and whether they’re ready for the responsibility phone ownership brings.
You want to make sure it’s durable, has the latest security software patches, and can run the apps they need. An added bonus would be that the phone is popular enough to have durable and fashionable cases to give it even more protection.
Different types of kids will need different types of phones. Here’s just some of our favourites.
These phones are really simple – they just focus on being phones. They can have some basic apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, and YouTube, so kids can keep in touch and keep themselves entertained, but they don’t have all the games of other smartphones. Plus, they’re durable.
Perfect for: Younger kids, kids who are distracted easily, and those with a tendency to drop or lose things.
Although this phone is technically designed for tradies, it’s actually the perfect kids mobile phone. It’s built to withstand a construction site and designed to military specs. It’s waterproof, been drop tested from every angle and has rubberised sides so it’s harder to drop. It’s not the fanciest phone in the world, but it’s designed to survive the playground and that might be what you need.
Perfect for: Kids who play rough.
This is the perfect phone for responsible teens who care about fashion. This is the phone Olivia Rodrigo used in her video clips, and is the one the big influencers are using on TikTok. Encourage their creativity with a great camera in a smaller form that will fit in their pocket.
Perfect for: Responsible teenagers who care about fashion and are budding influencers.
If you want to make sure the whole family is on the one phone operating system for iMessage, Find My iPhone and Family Sharing plus apps and subscriptions, then this is the most affordable iPhone. It’s smaller to fit in little hands, is much more affordable than the flagship models, but still has the same power and performance, so it’s easier to share apps and subscriptions as a family.
Perfect for: Responsible kids of any age, because the iOS ecosystem is so safe and allows for many parental controls for little kids, as well as all the good stuff for older teens.
This is the phone to get if you want to keep the whole family on Samsung phones, but don’t want to shell out for one of the flagship models for the kids. The A52 has an incredible four-camera array on the back for budding filmmakers and photographers, and a screen gamer will love. It’s also fairly durable with an IP67 water and dust resistance rating.
Perfect for: responsible teens and tweens.
If you have younger children, it can be difficult to give them their freedom whilst also making sure they are safe. The Spacetalk Adventurer is a mobile phone, GPS tracker and watch all in one handy device. Removing those distractions of the web and social media, this smart watch is designed to provide a new level of independence and peace of mind for both kids and parents.
Perfect for: Young children who want to experience their first phone
The two must-haves with any kids mobile phone are insurance and a mobile plan. The Good Guys offers both. Our Mobile Extras plans give you access to fixed-price screen replacement, anti-virus, cloud storage, anytime upgrades or swaps and peace of mind. As for mobile plans, we always have great offers from Telstra with added extras you can’t get anywhere else.
If you’re ready to get your child their first mobile phone, or their latest phone, we’re ready with the biggest range, great advice, and the best prices. Come and see us in- store and online for a deal that works for your family.
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